What Does Romans 14:17 Mean?
for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.Romans 14:17(NASB)
True worship can only flow from a heart of faith and does not consist of the actions we undertake; the outward behaviors we exhibit or strict adherence to certain prescribed laws or imposed practices.
True worship emanates from a soul that is right with God. True worship is an attitude that is conceived in the inner heart, which reflects Christ's beauty and grace. It is manifested in the fruit of the Spirit being produced, and the character of Christ being reflected in a life. Righteousness, peace and the joy of the Lord is an inner loveliness shining through the one who is loving the Lord Jesus, and seeking His kingdom first.
Our great salvation does not depend on what we eat, drink or do. Our salvation depends on faith in what Christ has done for us.
Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit comes through faith in HIM. We are not under Law but under grace, so let us make sure that the motives that govern our thoughts and the actions that are carried out in lives that honour HIM. May we do everything as unto the Lord, so that we give glory to our Father is in heaven.
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